Monday, September 26, 2005

Rerun on HGTV

For those of you who might have missed it the first time or you have nothing better to do at 7:45 am on Thursday morning than to laugh at me on TV here's your chance. The rerun of my show (crafters coast to coast) is on this Thursday, the show starts at 7:30 am but I am the third person on the show so it will be closer to a quarter till 8 before you will see me. Yes you can laugh, please do, cause that is all that I can do when I watch it. I just have to remember to check my mail on Thursday and Friday and see who watched it this time and how many hits I get on the site.

In other glass news...The stainglass 3-d stars - I need to take a picture of them - where both received with smiles and "yes, they are sharp." Sharp for sure, in making them I sliced open a knuckle on my left hand cutting glass, stabbed the fatty part of my palm on my right when I was wrapping it with foil, and then when the flux popped with the soder I got 2 small burns on my arm...with those 3 injures in one night I should be good for a while. The pain I will go through for art and making glass for others. At least I did not have to get stitches this time. I think that I have a few more stainglass projects that I want to do before the holidays, so I might try and hit the studio some more on the off nights for fusing and Tuesday for stainglass. Thats the plan for now but you never know what will happen.

So enjoy the show if you are up on Thursday watch it, tape it, TiVo it or wait for the next rerun.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The over due wedding gift

Over due is done

It only took me 3 weeks to complete the very over due wedding gift, but I am still within the 1 year grace period (and even the 11 months that rita keeps saying that I have to get it there by). So it might take me another week or 2 to get it to the couple but it is complete. I am still just happy that I was able to finish it within the 3 weeks. The pattern had a few adjustments along the way. First I had to remove the skull and the rose on the original piece and then I had to change a few of the cuts, over all I am happy with the result. I think the most comments come from the glass that I chose for the end of the books to look like pages. It is the one glass that I had in mind from the start.
I had one friend commented on the window "I never knew that books to look so BEAUTIFUL."

Next, I think that I need to make a new 3-D star for a house warming gift and then I might even start on Christmas gifts, now that I don't have a fall show to stress over and churn out fused glass. Getting ahead of the rush might be good thing - wait I am not that organized... maybe I will just search for the patterns and then sit on them till the holidays- now that sounds more like something I would do.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Stain glass, Stroms and Gas $$$$

I knew last Tuesday that I had to much luck and cuts where going to smoothly – because last night it took me longer to cut the middle of the stain glass window than it did to do all of the sides last week. I had to many recuts and grinding to get things to fit in place. All but one piece was cut last night and they are all sanded down and ready to wrap this week. So next week all I have to do is cut that last little piece and then start to put it all together.

But on the minds of so many last night: New Orleans and all that has happened there in the last few days. The pictures make me cry. Those who are still there – you were told to leave so why did you stay – thinking that you would make it through another storm and now they are having to send people in to rescue you and then send you off to other towns, is it not better to leave at your own pace than with someone dragging your ass out of there? The ones that I feel for most are the ones who no longer have a home to go back to and they dont have the money or the means to start over there again. So will they drive as far as they can, if they have a car and means to get there and stop and start a new life in a new town. Or will they wait it out and return to the Big Easy - Life down there is not going to be the Big Easy for a while. They are now saying that those who lived there should not expect to come back to the city for 3 - 4 months now. The numbers of the dead keep going up and the bodies keep floating by, they are lost in the count. If you lived there and ever thought about moving away this is the time to do it. And I sit and think that if something like that happened where would I go and what would I do...and I think that I could go home if I had to for a while but the pull of DC would bring me back to be with my friends. Plus to much time at home could send me over board - and where would I do glass there anyways. I am just glad that I am lucky and that all of my family is safe and maybe that is why I dont live at the beach... I have heard that others who lived down there are safe - no they have no idea about their neighborhoods or homes but they are alive and will learn to adapt to the things that surround them...but be on the watch out for New Orleans making it way to other towns -- maybe they will help slow the pace of the crazy lives that we all live.

But then again you start to question is this the beginning of the end of the world with the storms like no one has ever seen hitting and taking away so many lives. The tsunami in Dec and now this one-and not to mention the 3 major storms that hit Florida last year. And others say that it global warming and to many SUVs on the road. No matter what you want to say or believe the weather is changing.

And then to top it off - I had almost panicked on Monday when I heard all day about gas going up so I was glad that I stopped on the way home to get gas for $2.69 and today (Thursday) gas is $2.95 and over $3 at so many other places. I have to have gas to get to and from work, so there is no option not to fill up - it just means less trips to Target to get things I dont need and another reason to stay at Gap so that I can top off my tank. I dont believe there will be the after Labor Day gas break.
