Wednesday, January 03, 2007

How do you end the year in a bang and a depleted bank account?

Well I topped off Christmas for myself this year. My mom told me that my list was just bad… ok, so really with after 10 months of not having a job and trying to stay away from the malls and realizing how little you can live on/with, I guess I just did not need as much or it might be that I just don’t have the room for much. Then again there are a lot of things that you can by in the big city that you can’t always get at home, and then there is the whole other issue of getting it back to DC. So right there you have limits. So I did what I said I was going to do but it just took me a little longer to do it… On Friday I started the day out with a trip to the DMV - yes, Over due- Yes, there was a long line but I was surprised when they called my number when I had been there a little less than an hour (ok, so there were 16 windows too). I made it in and out of the DMV in about 1 ½ hours. Not bad to title & tag the car and get a new DL-– which I have to say the new id photo is a BIG improvement over the old deer in the head lights from the last one I had. So what should you do after you spend your morning at the DMV - I headed to the Apple store. Yes you heard me I went with the AOL stock money and bought a new apple Laptop and printer/scanner/copier. Now if this one will last as long as the other one that is sitting on my desk at home (years in the making,– which I bought used from a friend) I figure I will get my money out of it. It is beautiful and well over due and I love it. Plus I have crack like addicting games on there too which suck away time like never before they might be a bad idea but for now they are fun that is if you don’t have anywhere else to go. So I have stepped into the land of the computer age… but I did not stop there – to all of you who I have dropped calls with or had my phone shut off and power down you will be happy to know that I also upgraded and renewed my phone Yes I ended the day with a new cell phone so it was a day off all new things and a lot less money in the bank account when it was all said and done.
Happy New year everyone… may 2007 be better than 2006, we all need a little luck… and to all of you who have announced that you are getting married this year – it’s a damn good thing that I have a job - and yes I am willing to wear a bridesmaids dress for some selective few…that really means I like you if I am willing and happy to wear a dress and stand by your side while you kiss your single life away… all I ask in return is a good party.


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