Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Floors are coming Today

Stained Glass has made its come back, ok so once again its more or less do it now or wait 6 months…the church is closing for remodeling and the glass studio will be moving from the 3rd floor to the basement (hopefully cooler) plus we get a sink in the room J. Why have I made the swtch? It might be that time is limited before the closing or it might be that I am teaching stained glass with Madeline and it has made me want to cut more, or it might be that the kilns are always full and I hate having to fight to get in them. I need to make some earrings for the alum show plus I have to send those out in about a week, got to hop to it, maybe I can fuse tonight while teaching. I have finished 2 stained glass windows in the last 3 weeks. One for above my front door, very simple, no pattern needed and the other is my sea turtle…I am happy with both…I saw my turtle on another site priced at $375…now if anyone wants to pay me that or even a 1/3 of that price for mine I will be happy to wrap him up and send him your way. So Madeline is heading of town early today so I am running class tonight, the easiest class of the 4 weeks ( did it last time alone I can do it again) so she can go celebrate her moms 95th birthday in southern VA. At one point she was going to leave early and then she was not and then her husband’s office had a fire and they told him not to come in today so now they are leaving early…but with that came so good news with the clean out…(see below)… I have been on the search for some new glass patterns and found one that I have to make for Parker and Carson called the easterfrog, he is just too cute. I have to make some adjustments to the pattern but I can make it work. Then I have another birthday gift that I need to start working on too

The FLOORS are coming…YES today the hardwood floors are going to be installed and the carpet is coming on Saturday…I am so happy that after 3 months of living with the sub floors exposed they will soon be covered with a nice hardwood and Berber carpet in the bedrooms. Now the downfall of this is that I have to more or less move out of my bedroom, which I have lived in for 7 years, so they can install the carpet, and have I found some FUNNY things in this clean up, clean out, and move…ok so I don’t have to empty the closet but I did refold things and started a give away bag. I found a gift that I did not even remember buying with the original wrapping; I had to open it to see what it was (a silver turtle music box). I tried on the suit that I bought after college and NEVER wore and had a good laugh, the tags are still on it so I need to send it to dress for success and let someone who needs it and will wear it get some use out of it. They come to Pentagon City Mall the first Wednesday of the month to collect items if you have anything send it over there, I will have to go next week and drop mine off. So when I called Madeline today to say that I got her message about class tonight she was talking about someone coming and picking up things at her house tomorrow and I was welcome to add to the pile. So there is a stack at my house that I might be taking over there to add to the front steps and get out of my house before the new carpet is even in. This year is really about some spring cleaning.

In the land of the job hunt, got another hit for online work, got another school position filled email, and was offered a summer swim team – I am happy about that one- so I hope that Bryan can make it work and I will have a few more hours to add to the summer time. Daylight savings time starts this Sunday, I love it that it will be light out longer… I am keeping Ashley for the next 5 days while Jackie is in CA, she will get to be my little helper at the house moving me out and back into my room. It could be a long weekend. With the floors being installed, keeping her, trying to fit in private swim lessons and a chance that I will be at Gap too (yes they have started using me there again- I need the extra cash- oh and my manager called and left a message a while back but never said about what till she saw me and was like Hadley I never knew that you were on TV) Its going to be a long one, busy one, and a lot of driving up and down the toll road. And once again gas prices are on the raise and my gas light is about to come on...I was up at 5:30 today to take Jackie to the airport, and then decided to hit wegams at 6 am, there is no one shopping then and bagels are very fresh at that time, then I came back to take a nap, but I need to head up to the house to let the floors guys in, pictures of that next week…


Blogger Auntie M said...

Oh My God! Your turtle is beautiful! :)
Couples-Time in Stained Glass Class isn't so weird. Hubby and me took Tai Chi for Couples Time and he suggested that we take drawing classes...but I'm terrible at drawing and I get the impression that Drawing 101 is for people with talent but need finesse....or 9 year-olds. Now Stained Glass....I wonder if he'd do it?

4:25 PM  
Blogger tiny robot said...

Had: Thanks for the gorgeous pendant! M gave it to me this morning and I love it! Keep up the good work, eh?

10:50 AM  

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