Friday, May 19, 2006

I love the beach, interviews to come and I lost my USB. What a week

I love pawleys island. This was the first time that the sisters along with mom and
dad have gone in May and the first time in over 13 years for just the 7
Rs to take a vacation. IT was a nice trip over all , I got my own room
since I was the first one to arrive. The sun could have come out more but we were
at the beach, we were having fun, technology other than a cell phone did not
interfere with reading books, drinking beer (which caused a pregnant sister is
have a fit when she told us we were rubbing it in her face that we could have
a drink and she could not- now she was the one who wanted to have a baby and
a 9 month commitment not to have a hard drink) OK so I am not sure if I could
handle family vacation with a drink myself ... To many people in a little
space can do that to you. And we will all be back in august to do it all over again with all of the brother in laws and nephews and baby D on the way. But in the end we all left the beach as friends and talking to each other. I had some good laughs waiting at the MYR airport watching all of the Harley Davidson riders who where coming to myrtle beach for Harley week.

I got back from the beach had dinner and drinks with friends, and delayed what I
think was the post vacation hangover/withdrawal...which seemed to hit me on tuesday morning...And then back to working on Sunday.
I sent out more resumes and I have 2 interviews next week for teaching art - I will let you know if there are any hits with those schools...One is full time and they will pay for me to go back and get my masters...The other is part time and would mean that I would have to keep teaching swim lessons and get my benefits from Gap - Something that they have just started for the part time workers. So things might work out in the end - cause the insurance that
I thought that I had was returned in the malt to me today ... My sea turtle
panel is now showing 2 cracks and with the studio closing in 3 weeks I need to
take it in and fit it - so I will not have to wait till October ... And then to
top the day off I left my USB port at the Library the day before and now it is
missing and it had all of my cover letters and resumes and pictures all on
there - it makes me sick that people don't turn in things like that to the desk -
I have posted a note and maybe who ever took it will come back and see that I
am looking for it and turn it in ...
and Fred is raising rent with all of the so called improvements (we needed some before the flood even came-- it is the biggest one ever from him -- but it is still cheaper than moving and I like it here, plus I Love the new carpet.

Yes the studio will be closed as of June 6th, the move out day will be the 10th and since I have to work then I will offer to help on that Friday when I have free time. It will be sad to see it close but the new room is going to be nice and we all need to clean out... The break will be hard and yet in the summer most of us are busy... I will be none stop with the swim team and practice 2 a day and lessons in between to fill in the gaps. It will be a busy summer and I will miss the studio - I think I will miss it more in the fall, but they are saying that they are going to have it finished my October... We will wait and see.


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