Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hadleys Park - I need a spark

I found my own park this weekend, ok so it’s named after a little girl named Hadley (there is even a hotel) ...I knew that it was out there in Dulles but I never took the time to find it till this weekend. A playground for all kids, and on a sunny day, what a great place to be...we made it there after there was a mild baseball accident earlier in the afternoon when a ball hit Ash in the face and knocked her glasses off of her face and needed to be adjusted at the mall. I then looked up to see if Hadleyspark.org was hiring - and I found out that they are no longer designing playgrounds so that’s out - I thought my name would give me a foot in the door. So today it is 2 weeks that I have been unemployed and the first real day of separation (what ever the hell that means)...I don’t really miss going into work, and I think that I am a little happier not going there every day, I do miss the girls and the group lunches, I don’t miss the drive. So I have to think that most drives will be shorter than the one I did for the last 5 years. I am still not sure what I want to do next - but at this point anything other than Gap might be nice. I guess I should take another test online and see if I get any closer...

Halloween was yesterday...over the weekend I had a wedding party on Saturday night, I went as an Oscar...but I think that next year I am going as a gold digger- I can wear the gold dress again and carry a shovel covered in gold...Last night we went over to the Sees old neighborhood to find some candy (and to check out the changes the new owners have made to the house - the kitchen is now red and the hallway is khaki and not lime green) Just the little changes you can see from the outside - it made me miss them and miss Dixie...and then this morning I get an email from Shannon with new picture of her parents new yellow lab puppy Rose. One day when I have a backyard I will have another yellow lab.

Not sure what I will do in glass tonight...fuse I guess unless I find a stainglass that I want to do today...Since things have not come up today, I think that I will help Madeline again on Wednesday night with the stainglass class and build up some credit...I should be there today but I am here in front of a computer looking to see what is out there for me. (Ok you know it is bad when I have figured out what shows come on when - yes a real sign of no job) I need to start somethings on the list...like post a new roommate notice, call media barn and Boss and see what they can do for me. I need to find something sooner rather than later...


Blogger Unknown said...

That picture is such a great one of you. Thanks to the one who took that... :-)

That day was really enjoyable and I'm so glad to see you smile the way you did that day. We had a great time. Thanks for the memories.

9:51 AM  

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