Friday, October 07, 2005

Stars in the air

This is the star that I stabbed my hand with while wrapping the glass...Ok so the stab mark is just now healing from 3 weeks ago, maybe it was deeper than I thought. The other star, well I did not take a picture of it before I gave it to Emily and Paul as a house warming gift. I came up with this pattern a few years ago thinking that I would make tree toppers but that never happened...I tend to give them as housewarming gifts.

So this past Tuesday it was so nice in the studio, only 5 of us were there. It was good group of people and it reminds me of why I go up there. The one night that I plan on starting a stainglass piece no one was there to fuse. With 4 open kilns, I should have fused, but I was waiting on new glass, that I ended up getting outbid on all but one in the last hour, and one in the last min. So I want to order new glass...I have been on a search for some new clear, everyone seems to be making it on black right now and it limits you to what you can do with it. So I think I will make a big order of clear from an ebay store that Madeline recommended for the holiday. I did turn some new things into Hoopla, even some Christmas trees for the season...I am happy with how they turned out. Maybe after I get some new glass I will be ready to fuse again for the last minute Christmas purchasers.

In the past few weeks I have gone back to stainglass, taking a break from fusing...I was sick of having to fight to get into the kilns and I needed to make some gifts. So it started with the very late wedding gift, which turned into the stars, and now I am doing a Christmas gift. Yeah, I know, a little early but then again it will be here before we know it and I did not want to be rushed to finish this one...And with 44 pieces I was thinking it was going to take 3 to 4 weeks to finish it up. On Tuesday I managed to get the outside pieces cut, having to recut one piece 3 times to get the grain of the glass going in the right direction. So now all I have left to cut is the fairy on the inside, her wings are going to be iridescence clear and she is going to blue...The fairy is kneeling on some rocks with her hand in the water, the background is going to be like trees and a sun set sky. I can just add it to another Christmas gift that I can cross off my list early this year...Even though it will be the end of October by the time it is finished.

Speaking of Christmas gifts, I got Carson and Parker's at Art on the Ave over the weekend. They are each getting hooded towels, Parker is getting a frog and Carson is getting Spiderman. And one of them is getting a Brazilian tree frog hat. Tiffany requested no toys since they will be moving in the spring. I also bought a new turtle necklace and mini bud vase which is magnetic from a company from NC and a new belt that says "drink beer" that I cant wait to get. I LOVE Art on the Ave...However I am glad that I did not do the show cause there was just to much glass there this year. I found out that in the spring there will be a new place to eat and see art...Someone is opening a bistro / art gallery with a dark room and studio space in the old dry cleaners, what a great idea. Delray is such a rocking place.


Blogger tiny robot said...

That star is quite lovely!

5:21 PM  

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