Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Yesterday I should have been Blond...

Yesterday I should have been a Blond...In the rush to get a package to my Mom out by the end of the day and make it to glass before 8, I lost my head in the middle of it all. I was walking out of the office and spotted a nice box in which I could use to send the package, so I grab it and head out to the car. Drive over to the post office and find out that the humming bird feeder will not fit into the priority box, so I had to make it fit in the one I brought with me, so I pack it in there tight and fill it with shredded paper, tape it up, pay for and head out the door. Thinking this is great it will get there in time for Thursday and all is well - oh no its not- I get in the car and start looking for my phone, that's when I realized that I had packed my phone in the box that was on its way to I go racing back into the post office and tell them what I have done...they start laughing saying that is one they have not heard of happening...and before I open the box up the girl was like do you want to call it and make sure its in she hands me her cell phone and I dial the # and sure enough the box starts to ring. So I open it up from the bottom and out pops the phone. I am just laughing at this point. Tape the box back up and head out to the car.

On the drive home I realize-WHERE is my MUG? In the middle of all of the madness of getting the package out and then retrieving my phone, my mug gets they dont make my mug any more, they have switched to some keg looking mug that has a twist lid and for some reason twists lids dont always work for I had to wait and see if I could make it to the post office to find my mug...luck was on my side and I found it there this morning, its a good thing cause my back up mugs are either to big to drink with one hand and you have to seat belt it in so it will not flip over or just not big enough...I guess I need to start looking for another 32 oz mug in case this one goes missing for good.

On the drive home pop up showers had hit the area so traffic was backed up and I sat on the end of the toll road onto 66 for 30 min trying to make home. Made it home, get dinner and off to the studio...its not a good sign when you are walking in and the note on the door says "new member retention meeting, in the back of the chapel, the coolest place in the church", you guessed it the AC went out again...what is it about being over 90 outside and the craft room not having can say it was a HOT night before the kilns were even turned on. My turtle that I tried to make from last week looks more like bear without ears with a bubble on the shell, the green turned light gray blue, not what I expected but still fun. The bubble set (ring, earrings and pendant with the striker glass that turned a dark purple) did not turn out the way that I had hoped so I did another round. If it was not for a birthday gift I would have left it but there are some requests that you try and live up to. I had all new glass last night to play with so I was trying out samples to see what they will fire up as. The next new order should arrive before next Tuesdays class so there will be more fun new things to play with. And I still have some other glass that I want to reorder, its never ending but I think I want some clear big circles (which are great for double overlays) and I need some small boxes...and maybe a ugotglass order of specialties too. Guess that all of my birthday money is going to glass, now that really is not a bad thing, got to spend it where you love it.


Blogger BrooklandJess said...

We were totally lauging out loud on that one! Nice save!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Too funny Had...but at least you realized it in time!

9:26 AM  

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