Thursday, April 07, 2005

Breaking Glass & Shows

What a buzz that I have going on with glass these days. The Studio is packed, I am fighting for space in the kilns and thinking maybe it is time to buy my own. But what kind of fun would that be? I love going up to the studio on Tuesday nights to see my friends and create. I really don't think that I would enjoy it as much if I was working at home alone. Plus i like to walk around bare foot in the summer. You cant do that if you have been cutting glass at the kitchen table - glass in my food is not the crunch that i have been looking for. Its the interactions with others and the time commitment and the stories that we all tell when we are there that I look forward to each week. My glass friends are like an extended family and I know that if I needed anything from them that they would come to my aid.

Madeline has been such a great support through all of this. Loaning me kilns to take home to TN to teach, to letting me borrow everything to make a mock studio out of my dining room table so that HGTV could come and film. And now she is the one who is willing to take over the extra emails that I have been getting and start sending out kilns and Score Ones to anyone who wants one. This glass business is about to get out of hand in the part time job department.

Its April and there are 2 shows coming up with in the month and a glass blowing class this weekend. The GPS Alum show is April 23 but my glass is due next week, the glass has to be sent this weekend to make it there on time. Tonight I have to go up to the studio and pick up all of the earrings that I fired on Tuesday so that I can glue the posts on and get them out the door. The stress of the post office and have to send things - another reason I am not ready to set up an online store as of now. (a subject to be addressed again later)

To get ready for the SMAF show-
Over the weekend I did make it down to the outlets to get things for the big show in May. I got the last canopy that was on sale (not the red that I wanted but a good price - plus the bag has wheels - a nice touch for a 45 lbs tent). Then it was off to get the necklaces that I still cant find anywhere else, put a nice dent in that credit card, and luck would have it that they too were on sale. Then I stopped by Ikea for the new table cover...Colorful for sure. So the big things for the show are starting to settle down. Elizabeth is loaning me her 6 Ft folding table, another thing to mark off the list after I pick it up. And Nikki located some lanterns that I still need to go get at the Big Lots. Now I just need to piggy back into a Sams or costco for some candy to hand out over the long weekend. Its all going to be over sooner rather than later. But with some of the big things purchased I feel like a weight has been lifted. But there is always something else around the corner to add to the list of things that I need to get before the show.


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